Gerard Fromm | Leadership
Gerard Fromm, Ph.D., is the immediate Past President of the IDI and the co-editor of the IDI’s recent book, We Don’t Speak of Fear: Large Group Identity, Societal Conflict and Collective Trauma, published by Phoenix Publishing House in March, 2023.
He is Distinguished Faculty and former Director of the Erikson Institute for Education and Research of the Austen Riggs Center. He is also an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Yale Child Study Center, was a Visiting Fellow in the Psychotherapy Department of University College, London, and is a member of the Academy for Critical Incident Analysis in New York.
Dr. Fromm is Past President of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations. For three years, he directed the residential Group Relations Conferences of the Center for the Study of Groups and Social Systems in Boston, served as that organization’s president, and has been on the staff of Group Relations Conferences in various parts of the world.
He is a Fellow of the American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis and has taught at and consulted to mental health organizations across the US, including several psychoanalytic institutes. His books include: Lost in Transmission: Studies of Trauma across Generations; A Spirit That Impels: Play, Creativity and Psychoanalysis; Taking the Transference, Reaching toward Dreams: Clinical Studies in the Intermediate Area; and Traveling through Time: How Trauma Plays Itself out in Families, Organizations and Society.